CGI & Perl

Master Snooper Web Fetching Scripts & Programs CGI & Perl

Master Snooper Master Snooper is an easy to install, easy to maintain CGI program written with Perl 5 to let you see the real code behind web pages. Have you typed in one URL and ended up somewhere else? Use Master Snooper to see the HTML source code they used to send you on your merry way. Ever wonder what the HTML code of a framed website looks like? Use Master Snooper to see it all. Does your browser’s “view source” results only show some of the JavaScript and other code a web page uses? Use Master Snooper to see what’s really there.

CGI & Perl

Master Theft Resister Security Systems Scripts & Programs CGI & Perl

Master Theft Resister Master Theft Resister is designed to resist theft of graphics from your web site. The Master Web Graphic Theft Resister Kit includes: Instructions for making browser “save image as” features unworkable for the graphic on your web page, and utilizing the META “no-cache” browser directive in your HTML source code, and Master Theft Resister, the script which dispenses your graphic only when authorized web pages ask for it.

CGI & Perl

Search Engine Redirector Web Search Searching Scripts & Programs CGI & Perl

Search Engine Redirector This script lets visitors at your site search the web by selecting from a list of search engines. It also has the option to log what people are searching for on each site. You will need the HTML code containing the form and engine.cgi. The urls and titles for each engine are hidden in the SELECT tag of the form. This way you can easily add more in the future.

CGI & Perl

URL Search Engine Search Engines Scripts & Programs CGI & Perl

URL Search Engine It searches a Text database file for one or more keywords input by the user and displays all the URLs that match the Search Query. This script can be modified for custom applications, and it doesn’t just have to be URL search engine. It can also be used for searching virtually any type of text database… recipes, phone numbers, car dealers etc.

CGI & Perl

MyUploader Upload Systems File Manipulation Scripts & Programs

MyUploader MyUploader is a Java Applet for uploading multiple files to an ASP.NET, Perl/CGI, PHP, or Java web server via HTTP. The easy to use uploader has advanced features from drag and drop to folder upload. Even uploading files of 2 GB is possible. During file tranfer a progress bar is visible.