JavaScript Slideshow by BarelyFitz Add an image slideshow to your HTML page or your eBay auction page. Easy to use and versatile, for each slide you can set a link, window target, window attributes, html annotation, and image transitions (fade in, dissolve, etc). Set it to auto-run, or add manual controls for changing the image. Lots of other options. If you are not a JavaScript expert you can use the web wizard to configure your slideshow.
Category: JavaScript
DHTML Slide Show Script A multimedia, easy-to-configure DHTML slideshow script for your site. Images are automatically preloaded, and can each be set to hyperlink to a distinct URL. Highly popular. Updated for Opera 7 functionality.
LuckyZoom LuckyZoom is the best way to display your images in incredible detail. Your customer does not need to click anything – they just move their mouse over image and can see every detail in your product! Features include: Fast ? the page loads as normal and then the high resolution zoomed image downloads invisibly in the background. Easy ? you can add LuckyZoom to your website with only 3 lines of code. That?s it! There are some other scripts that come with the product, but you don?t need to worry about them. Customisable ? you can change the size and position of your images to suit your website. Reliable ? the code works on all major browsers (IE, FireFox, Opera, Safari & Konqueror).
Display Image as Rotating Globe The script displays a rotating globe, using one image (although stichted together twice). It is tested with IE7, FF3, Opera9.25 and Safari 3.1.1 (all on Windows)
Magic Thumb Clever effect that blows out the image into the whole screen. As soon as you click the image, you see it expand larger until it is very large. Ideal for displaying large images and giving a good impression. Fun to play with. Fully accessible so that it works in all browsers and fails gracefully on non-JavaScript browsers. It’s like a lightbox but faster because it preloads the large image. Installation takes 5 minutes and only 3 lines of code.
Due Date Calculator Script Have you been wanting to offer your visitors a way for them to calculate their due date? Now you can and its stylish too! Comes complete with: Professional Template so its easy to integrate into your existing website. Drop the code in your website, upload a couple files and its working! 2-3 sentences for each of the 42 week’s describing the developing baby / and the pregnant woman’s body. 3D Ultrasound Image for each week (42) to display what the baby looks like each week in the womb.
Ovulation Calculator Script Our script makes it easy for your users to use and Ovulation Calculator to find out when their ovulation date is, and increase the likelyhood of getting pregnant. User enters Date of Last Menstrual Period, The script than outputs: The date that the user will next OVULATE. and The date that the user will next be FERTILE This script can easily be added to any existing website by just dropping in a few lines of code to where you want to put it.
AlpMcalc AlpMcalc is a ‘NO number’ calculator. It uses A-J alpha matrixes to compute my own coded math methods and it does it without using numbers or any Math functions built into JavaScript. The only numbers used are for indexing and comparison. The matrix components and index references does it all. After you click = the interface turns the numbers into letters a-j, computes, and then converts back to numbers to present solution. Only your CPU and memory limit the length of integers. It has a full interactive interface using CSS, DHTML, and JS. A number of bug fixes and enhancements added over the last several months.
FREE calculators : Circumference JavaScript can help you figure the circumference of a circle when you enter the radius.
FREE calculators : Circle-solver Can’t remember the formulas for the other two parts of a circle (area, diameter, or circumference) when you only know one? To the rescue is Circle Solver. Enter the circle area, diameter, or circumference and it will solve for the other two! Great!