SolarWinds Free Kiwi CatTools Free network management and device configuration tools. CatTools is a utility for managing network devices (routers, switches and firewalls). Automated configuration backups, password changes and scripted configuration commands. Supports Cisco, 3Com, Foundry, Extreme, Nortel, Netscreen and PIX etc. Runs on Windows 98 or later. Can be run as a Windows service or interactive application.
Tag: Backup
jChatBox Chat Systems JSP & Servlets
jChatBox jChatBox is a JSP Chat application (free for non-commercial sites). Server side is 100% JSP. Client side could be HTML/JavaScript, Applet or Flash. Moderator users can open and control multiples chatrooms. He/she can manage users (list, ban, kickoff), manage blacklist, generate transcripts, do backup, and apply chatrooms parameters such as max users, languages (English, Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese), filters, etc. Users can run commands like /help, /time, /kick, etc. Chatrooms are easily customizable (skins), and can be extended by designers or programmers through the jChatBox API. jChatBox is ready to XML and also includes Applet and Flash5. Check out Add-Ons section for Smiley or Cersor Filters.
BigDump Database Tools Scripts & Programs
BigDump Staggered import of large and huge MySQL Dumps (like phpMyAdmin dumps and even GZip compressed dumps). Do you want to restore the huge backup of your mySQL database (or a part of it) into the new or the same mySQL database? You can’t access the server shell and you can’t import the dump using phpMyAdmin due to hard memory/runtime limit of the web server. BigDump will do it even through the web servers with hard runtime limit and those in safe mode in a couple of short sessions.